Let us make your first impression a great one.


Did you know?

  • 9 in 10 human resources professionals check job candidates' social media profiles before deciding to interview them;
  • Adding an image to every page of your website could increase visitors' time on site by as much as 250%;
  • When a person excludes a professional headshot from their profile, "it comes across as laziness, plain and simple"; 
  • If you feel that you're unphotogenic, all you really need is an expert headshot photographer who can make you feel comfortable and relaxed and can identify the most flattering posing, angles, and lighting for your face and body type.

Choose the type of professional headshots that are right for you.

Type #1: The Studio Headshot

The studio headshot is conservative and traditional and is created in a studio (or indoors on location) on a backdrop. The studio-style headshot is great for:  

  • large companies that want standardization in each employee's headshot 
  • putting a face to the name 
  • a simple and traditional look 
  • people who don't want to look too "different"  
Headshot Photography

Type #2: The Environmental Portrait

The environmental portrait can be created inside a studio, at your office or home, at another indoor location, or outdoors. The difference is simply that instead of being shot on a backdrop, the environmental portrait portrays you in a natural environment. The environmental portrait is great for:  

  • people who are their own decision-makers, such as small business owners or freelancers who don't have to meet company headshot requirements 
  • a more "natural" look (since standing in front of a backdrop isn't what most people do on a normal day!) 
  • people who want their professional headshots to help them stand out from the crowd, show uniqueness and creativity, and stick in the minds of their target audience 
  • people who want to incorporate their jobs into the backgrounds of their headshot photography

What It's Like to Be Photographed by a Headshot Photographer with 100 Rave Reviews

"Irene gave me a great professional headshot. She had already heard "pictures of me never turn out well" but she reassured me that she would work with me to get something that works. I loved the results. She made me feel comfortable and patiently worked with me, asking for feedback until I was ready to move forward. This experience made me much more aware of the importance of having a current and professional headshot. A good headshot puts the professional into a different league. Irene knew how to get a great shot, was professional, and put me at ease so that I was able to put my best face forward."

-- Alisa Ottman, Rockville, MD

"Working with Irene was fantastic. She is extremely personable and did an excellent job at putting me at ease in front of the camera. I don't know exactly how she did it, but I usually dislike pictures of me and her photos are hands down the best ones anyone has ever taken of me. I would absolutely work with Irene again and I would recommend her to others."

-- Michael Braswell, Arlington, VA

"I am very happy I chose Irene to do my new corporate headshots. She was fun to work with, took great photos and most importantly, kept her word on agreements and timelines. The reality is that many freelance photographers don't keep the business part of things in order very well and I have seen some other photographer's reviews that were really bad when it came time to get your photos. I didn't have that issue at all with Irene... I have had a lot of nice compliments on the photos also... I highly recommend her." 

-- Matthew Bailey, Washington DC

Don't miss out on yet another opportunity to make a great first impression!

Corporate Headshots